Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Tales from Yankees Spring Tranining

My Cousin Jason visited the NY Yankees in Florida and here is his report. A Side note Jason played college baseball with Joe Nathen the current Twins closer.
Here is his report from FLA:

I was at the Yanks Twins game on Sunday in Ft. Myers (home of the Twins). Since I had made plans to talk to Joe Nathan before/After game, this was the 1st time ever I had no Yankee gear on. Didn't want to disrepect the "Home Team".

Before Game the wife and I got to talk to Joe by the Bullpen for about 10 minutes. Game was getting ready to start so he said after game go by side exit and we could meet up again.

Was very excited to see Hughes pitch and hoped a couple of "Big- Names" made the 2 hr bus trip. By MLB rules you send 4 regulars on away games. I got Melky, Cano, Matsui, Duncan and Hughes. No jeter or A-rod.


Hughes has Nasty stuff. Low-to mid 90's heat along with just filthy breaking ball. 4 innings no-hits. Twins didn't get 1st hit until 7th.- Matsui stung 2 balls. 1 would have been a HR, except for 3o mph wind in his face.- After the 5th inning Spring training games are pretty boring. I mean who the heck is #91,79 and 68.- Fully understand why Giardi was ticked- off about Ray crashing into Catcher. Everything was laid back, like going thru Motions.-

Back to Joe: Nathan told us he might be getting his first action of Spring, He said he might get the 6th or 7th inning and he was upset. I asked,"why" and he said, "b/c that means I am going against the real young hungry guys who every at bat they are Raking." He said "he would rather face a vetern who is just trying to get ready for the real season.-

POST GAME: We were able to meet up with Joe Nathan again and hung out in a VIP section where he was signing autographs and taking Pictures. Chatted for another 10 min. then our Bus was leaving so had to go.

P.s Yanks won the game and it was overall a great experience at the ballpark.

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